We are pleased to announce that the next Caribbean Regional Response Team (CRRT) meeting will be held at the Marriott Frenchman’s Reef Hotel on St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands, on June 15-16, 2016. The standing meeting of the CRRT will be preceded by two other meetings on Tuesday the 14th, as identified below.
On Tuesday morning, June 14th, we will hold a meeting of the CRRT Chemical Facility Safety and Security Sub-Committee, to discuss the status of implementation of the recommendations included in the report to the President in response to the Executive Order on improving chemical facility safety and security. Additional details on this meeting will be provided separately from the subcommittee chairs to those departments, agencies and organizations who will be responsible for implementing the EO priority actions.
On Tuesday afternoon, Sector San Juan will hold a meeting of the Coastal Area Planning Committee. The draft agenda for the area committee meeting is currently under development. Stay tuned for further information.
The standing CRRT Meeting will be an all-day meeting on Wednesday and Thursday. We expect a full agenda, so please consider making your return travel plans on Friday the 17th. The draft agenda is still under development, so if you have topics of interest to the CRRT, please contact me by phone at (732) 906-6900 or email at touw.steve@epa.gov.
Please view the documents section for meeting related materials.