Welcome to the Caribbean Regional Response Team (CRRT) Home Page.
The CRRT serves as the regional body for planning and preparedness activities before a response to a major or other significant oil or hazardous substance incident is taken, and for coordination and advice during such response actions.
Co-chaired by EPA and the U.S. Coast Guard, with membership and participation from approximately 20 federal, commonwealth and territorial government agencies, the CRRT meets semi-annually to review and comment on recent response actions or other issues related to the preparation, implementation, or exercise of regional and/or local plans; to conduct advance planning for use of dispersants or other chemical agents in response to oil spills; and to conduct or participate in training and exercises as necessary to encourage preparedness activities of the response community within the Caribbean region.
CRRT plans, policies and guidance documents can be found at: www.nrt.org/CRRTplans
CRRT meeting announcements, presentations, attendees, and action items can be found at: www.nrt.org/CRRTmeetings
CRRT Annual Reports can be found at: www.nrt.org/CRRTAnnualReports