Regional Response Team Region VIII

Denver, CO - RRT VIII

Site Contact:
Gina Cristiano
RRT Coordinator


Site Location:
1595 Wynkoop St.
Denver, CO 80202-1129

Regional Response Team 8 (RRT-8) is the federal component of the National Response System for the states of Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah and Wyoming. RRT-8 is made up of representatives of twelve federal departments and agencies, plus each of the six states listed above and a Tribal representative. It is co-chaired by a representative from the Environmental Protection Agency, Region 8 and a representative for the United States Coast Guard.

RRT-8 is a planning, policy, and coordinating body which does not respond directly to the scene of an oil spill or hazardous substance release. It provides assistance as requested to the On-Scene Coordinator during an incident. For a thorough description of both the National Response System and the responsibilities of the Regional Response Team, please visit the National Response Team's web site.

This web site will be updated regularly. Our primary concern is to give timely, accurate information to all interested parties.
RRT-8 Meetings:

Regular meetings of the Standing RRT will be convened at least semi-annually and shall be “open meetings.” The meetings will be hosted by the Co-Chairs.  See Notices located under the Resources section (upper right side of this web page) for more information on future meetings. 


Please contact the RRT Coordinators with questions, comments, concerns:
Gina A. Cristiano at 303-312-6688, OR
Todd Peterson at 571-607-6190,

For additional information, visit the Notices section.