We are pleased to announce that the next Caribbean Regional Response Team (CRRT) meeting will be held on May 14th - 16th at the FEMA Caribbean Distribution Center in Caguas, Puerto Rico.
Our anticipated schedule for the week includes Sector San Juan holding a meeting of the Coastal Area Planning Committee on Tuesday morning. The agenda and additional information regarding the area committee meeting will be disseminated separately by the Sector.
The standing CRRT Meeting will convene on Tuesday afternoon, and continue Wednesday and Thursday. Since we have not met since August 2017, we expect a full agenda, so please consider making your return travel plans on Friday the 17th.
A draft agenda for the CRRT meeting is under development. If you have topics of interest or suggestions for agenda items, please contact me at touw.steve@epa.gov or by phone at (732) 906-6900; or LT James Davis, USCG CRRT Coordinator at James.P.Davis3@uscg.mil, or by phone at (305) 415-6926.
In order to gain access to the facility, and to ensure sufficient seating arrangements for the meetings, you must register to attend the Area Planning Committee Meeting and the CRRT Meeting at the following website:
Registrations must be submitted by COB on Friday, May 10th, to ensure inclusion on the list of registered attendees that will be provided to facility security.